Missoni for Target Sneak Peek!

by denisesalceda

Fashion blogs have been squealing with unconstrained excitement ever since they found out that Target’s next great collaboration is with the oh-so-coveted Italian brand Missoni. Eeeeeeeek!

The Missoni for Target collection hits stores September 13 and includes 400 plus items ranging from clothing and shoes to home decor, dinnerware, and even a bike–all priced between $3 and $600, but most are under $40.

Margherita Maccapani Missoni is the model and rep of the collaboration, appearing in ads and even in interactive videos online that will help shoppers combine the bold colors and prints from the collection for the most fashionable look. Très chic!

But enough chit-chat, check out these photos of the amazing collection for yourself! See you at Target! 😉